Leadership. One of my most favored topics, and practices. Here I am listening to Dua Lipa’s latest hit ‘Houdini’, watching the drizzle pouring outside, from the window with a slight rumble. Letting my fingers touch type the keyboard, converting the script my mind tells in to what you can read.
What’s the first thought that comes to your mind when you notice the word ‘leadership’? Does it reminds you someone? Well, if it does it certainly means you’ve been inspired. Leadership to me, is inspiration. It is where someone inspires me to follow a positive instinct. You know someone that gives you a certain ‘boost’. Although there is no one definition or one best approach for leadership. It denotes determination, strength, motivation, emotional intelligence, guidance and responsibility. At least the identity of an impactful leader is based on the above.
Leadership is further a topic I loved learning in college. During times, where we were given assignments it’s one area I loved researching the most. It is then I learned its inception. Starting from the history of leadership, evolving from four main eras of: trait, behavioral, situational, and contingency. Leadership further branches to transformational and transactional. Out of all, to me transformational leadership outstands the rest. Why? Because the word ‘transformation’ itself defines the reason.
Transformational leaders set the footprint, and inspire their followers to be the next leaders. Besides today, I’ll be reflecting the leaders that has inspired me since I was a child. Well, not just any, but the female leaders in my life.
Okay, so I am this huge — I mean real huge fan of Disney and animation. The first female character that created a little spark in me was Barbie. Yes, Barbie from the Magic of Pegasus. This was when I was, hmm around eight I guess. Let me recall her name via Google because it’s been a while now. Princess Annika. Yes! This was the second Barbie movie my father gifted me I guess. The first was, the Twelve Dancing Princesses. Plus, listening to Brie Larson’s ‘Hope Has Wings’ back then where I did not even fully comprehend the lyrics and meaning ignited a spark in me. With hope, along with Annika’s courage, and persistence. It’s one track I STILL have on my playlist. Still. Can you believe it?!
Then comes Cinderella, and Belle. We all know both are beautiful charming Disney personalities till date. Nothing beats them. We also know despite their fairytale stories, these girls had much more than their looks. They represent intelligence, resilience, confidence and kindness. Cinderella inspired me that, ‘a dream is a wish your heart makes’. And that no one. No one can stop you from dreaming.
While, Belle, Disney’s First Feminist Princess according to Harper’s Bazaar is a complete beauty with brains. She’s strong, loyal, and the fearless.
She does not care about societal norms that limits females and was not limited by traditionalism. She is open-minded, she leads, but she is also humble enough to admit fault when wrong. Plus, her biggest weapon was her imagination.
A leader is strong as a warrior. Recalling warriors, reminds me of Xena. Does anyone remember Xena the Warrior Princess? Now this powerful warrior princess too adds to the list. Undoubtedly, it’s a series I never missed. I remember my mom reminding me, “Xena started” lol; calling me to make myself at the TV. I might be around four or six back then. Then comes the most intuitive and talented witch in Hogwarts, Hermione Granger. Emma Watson as the the “know-it-all” Hermione. Her wit to learn quick and her craving for knowledge actually inspires us followers to keep learning. And one day you can be the best witch — I mean the best performer one day!
“My duty is to my heart”
Sounds familiar? Fa Mulan. My most — most favorite character out of all. Yes, she outstands. Mulan shuts all criticism with victorious actions. She believes it is her duty to uphold her family honor. She follows her heart. She is the responsible daughter every parent wishes for and the responsible citizen every country yearns for. Mulan is an epitome of valiance, that inspires her followers even her fellow friends to follow her regardless of every setback. Every challenge she faces. That’s some remarkable spirit.
All great leaders make their way through hard work. Another character that feeds this well to my mind is, Princess Tiana. True leaders work hard, and they demonstrate. Their essence of persistence through hard work outshines with actual results.
Out of the recent, Merida from Brave takes another special place in my heart. This strong teen leader not just stands up for what’s needed. But believes one can change their own fate with faith and if they are brave enough to. She rules, she creates solutions to solve problems and she decides what’s best for her. Now that’s one strong girl.
Enola Holmes is my next most recent favorite female leader. Well, fictionally yes.
There Will Come A Time When You Must Make A Hard Choice …
There are so many fruitful lessons she bears. How she proves what she’s capable of along with the support of her own brother and friend, she raises her standards above all the stigma, gender stereotypes, and becomes the powerful female, the entrepreneur the society yearns for. Enola raises the bar to Sherlock’s quote, ‘The Choice Is Always Yours. Whatever Society May Claim, It Can’t Control You’.
And definitely, it cannot. No one cannot.
So, that’s it about my fictional female leaders. Growing up absorbing the qualities in them has given me a positive drive. A pathway to the attitude I’m consumed with. They are the ones I hold close to my heart till date. Now let me recall my non-fictional leaders. My mother is my most inspiring non-fictional female leader. She’s been a respectful girl, woman, daughter, wife and an inspiring mother to me throughout. That consistency is unlike any other, and it’s a strenuous quality to maintain. She’s taught me lessons, she’s the bestfriend that guides me to the person I am today. Leaders are consistent. Leaders ensure reassurance. They don’t leave you behind. They are always beside you.
My mother, my aunts. That is my mother’s sisters. “Shereen” “Nekoline” (that’s my mom) “Sheril” “Sherlin” — born to a family of five of four girls and one boy. They have faced a lot throughout their life ever since the loss of their mother. That is my grandmother. I think my mother was around eleven being the second of the family. Growing up with their aunt in a house of more than ten people, they have had a lot of tough Cinderelly moments. Life has not been easy for them. Yet, all alone by themselves. They stand up to be the women they are today. As successful females, mothers, and wives.
If they did not had that strong urge in them, they wouldn’t have been able to lead their ways out to where they are now. They certainly inspire me too. They may not be the world’s greatest entrepreneurs or business faces, but they are the living females that surround me, that empowers me. Then comes the female leaders of my workplace. Leaders strive. They know when not to give up, when to give up and when to give in. Leaders are strategic. The best thing about my current manager whom is a female too is her flexibility. Plus, Zulaiha (is her name) inspires me to use my talent, she recognizes me. She’s like a pushing force and I truly appreciate that.
That’s what real leaders do right? They allow their followers to transform from the within. To become another leader. And it continues. Leadership grows. Popular personalities like Selena Gomez, Priyanka Chopra are few of my other inspiring female leaders.
Some argue leaders are born not made. But I’d like to share my opinion, that leaders evolve. Neither born nor made, leaders evolve. Real leaders crave to change, to inspire, to rise and grind.
All of these female leaders I mentioned above weren’t born that way. I mean you don’t decide that the day you were born. Destiny has its thing, but it’s a choice you make. And they choose to be their own version. That’s what makes them the inspiring people they are right now in my life. Leadership is a motive. It sets one soul on fire with confidence to take the next step. And I’m super thankful for all the great leaders behind my inspiration to set me with the fire, the passion that I have in me. Moreover, I totally forgot to mention the other female leader that inspires me. Me. Myself. I’m not a biggie, however I appreciate every strength in me. The vision in me. The potential in me. Leaders learn. They learn to be better versions of their own self.
There’s a warrior in every individual. That warrior needs a motive to ignite the leader in them. I hope we all find the right motive soon to expose the transformational leader within all of us. Pretty soon.