One of the pros of Covid-19, is that it reminds us people the importance of exercise in boosting immunity levels. “Boost your immunity system” is something we hear and notice almost every day now. Almost all, know that this includes complex cells, organs, tissues such as WBC, spleen, bone marrow and more to help us fight against infections and diseases. In simple terms, it is this hidden hero in us that fights against enemies such as pathogenic viruses invading our body. And to strengthen this hero, health professionals remind us that regular exercise is a must-have in our daily lives. They keep persuading us, tirelessly to stop keeping exercise in our wish list anymore.
How often do you exercise? I know we are terribly busy with work, with studies, with planning, at home — for some parenting, for some to watch Netflix, and for some to sleep all day. Sometimes, even worrying keeps us busy whole day! And separating few minutes to love our own self is an incredibly hard thing these days. Good old days are the days where physical activity was engaged and ruled, kids used to play games running around, but now most of them play games on iPhones. Everything has evolved to become super convenient with just a click or touch away.
At least a 10 min physical activity with reduced sitting hours contributes towards a healthy life. I know as humans, sometimes we forget and avoid physical activity and stick to our mobile phones or favourite show or work stuff, but balance is a necessity. On average, usually 5 days a week with 30–60 min of physical activity is essential as approved by the recent investigations of the WHO; that too for the ‘first time since 2010’. Our physique is totally connected with our mind, and what affects our mind affects the body, and vice versa.
Covid-19 has been a large threat to us humans, and it is also one of the triggers of increased mental health issues in 2020; tripling the rates of depression in US in all demographics and all around the world. As per the study of JAMA Network Open led by researchers from Boston University, ‘27.8% of adults reported depression symptoms, in contrast where only 8.5% before the pandemic’. This is what a simple worry gradually develops in to, but what if we focus that negative energy towards doing something positive — will we still be victims of depression?
Personally, one thing I have experienced is that when I used to feel stressed and down, my whole body feels it and it just makes me feel lazy and unproductive. But when I start working-out, I feel the boost, I feel energy whole over my body and my mind starts to glow from the inside. That excitement, that sweat you secrete and that focus for those 30–45 min is literally amazing, and I ensure that this is a must-have in my daily life, apart from rest of the work.
When was the last time you lifted weights? Recent studies keep re-highlighting its importance on adults. Do you know that, weight lifting or resistance training can increase the muscle quality and prevent injuries from falling as we age? If we include these trainings to our daily routine, the benefits are numerous. Exercise energizes our body, boosts our immunity levels, and purifies our mind with clarity and peace. I believe motivating someone else to exercise is another blessing because it inspires them to love and care for their own self.
Sit, but ensure that we manage it below 10 hours. Exercise, train and strengthen your muscles. A fit life ensures that we are equipped with a healthy physique with a de-stressed mind towards a safe journey. This stay at home period in our lives is the best time to focus on this wish list item and make it real. There’s plenty of professional YouTube inspiration and guidance provided such as PopSugar Fitness, Blogilates, etc.
Therefore, get your partner, mom or anybody at home or even your pet to be by your side and engage in some exercise to combat these global health issues, including your own to experience life-changing positive results.