Three Qualities to Outshine Yourself

3 min readDec 17, 2020


How a leader should be?

We all have this perfect picture that we want to see in a leader. Maybe we picture our own leader in a specific way, and our own self as a future leader in this way or that way. It is not easy to portray perfectionism to meet every demand of every individual around us.

Absolutely, not.

The fact is, as long as earth never faces a human extinction we will have to work with our own kind, our own people. And dealing with people requires especially tactical techniques because each of us are extremely different and unique from name to name. This does not mean an individual must change their ethnics and ethics to comprehend with others’ requirements, but just to attain some simple qualities. There are plenty of leadership styles, and theories such as behavioural theories, relational theories, ‘Great Man’ theories and more. Characteristics too are limitless from resilient, hard-work, flexible to innovative.

Though, to simplify not just as a leader, but these three qualities help every individual in their daily life and outshines who they are.

1. be humble — sometimes it is hard to be humble. To keep your head low, and remain low. But it is a necessity in both achievements and failures. At times people will be resistant at willingness and as a leader we will have to deal with them, carefully. Foremost, a leader will have to respect other people’s opinions. Thus, being humble ensures that you have not hurt anybody. Even the magic words we learn in our childhood, “please” “thank you!” “sorry!” “you’re welcome!” precisely teach us to be humble. Don’t they?

2. be strong and kind– two great qualities at the same time. A leader will have to be strong as a mountain that never bends for the wind no matter how hard it blows, and kind for those around. These two qualities demonstrate our spirit. These are very rare and immeasurably valuable qualities, which is why they are important as well. Being kind and not strong is useless, while being strong and not kind is chaos. The balance between the two demonstrates the power of endurance.

3. be a person that understand another’s uniqueness — everybody is different and unique in their own way. It is this difference that sets apart us from one another and makes us special. That difference is the surface of a talent of a person. Perhaps, the chance of this talent to prove itself might lie on the hands of fruitful leadership. Therefore, a real leader must understand it, and respect another’s uniqueness.

These are just three simple qualities, and obviously qualities are limitless and numerous. Though, I believe the success of a leader or any individual may definitely depend on these qualities, and they indeed help to proceed towards a prosperous future of our own and those that obtain from us.




Written by Manisha

"If any who writes is an author... so am I!" A digital nomad, freelancer, content creator, self-care enthusiast, and a simple soul who enjoys writing.

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